Bosanska Krupa municipality
Exhumation data: Taking of bone samples
for DNA analysis from two bodies from the following location -
“Lipik” city cemetery, grave with a tombstone with the
inscription “Bobić Rosa” and a grave left to the grave with a
tombstone with the inscription “Bosančić Boško - Božo” city of
Bosanska Krupa, on June 23, 2005.
Note: These bodies were not taken out of their garave and they
were not forensically processed - only a bone sample was taken
for DNA analysis and after that the bodies were buried again.
The first body is marked as “0” (mortal remains found in the
grave with the tombstone with the inscription “Bobić Rosa”) -
the second body is marked as “1” (mortal remains found left of
the grave with the inscription “Bosančić Boško - Božo” - there
was no tombstone).
Date of exhumation: June 23, 2005
Number of bodies found: 2
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- “NN”
- “NN”
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |