Bosanska Krupa municipality
Exhumation data: Taking of bone samples
for DNA analysis of two bodies from the following location -
“Lipik” city cemetery, city of Bosanska Krupa, on the day of
October 19, 2005. (these bodies were not extracted from their
graves and they were not forensically processed - only one bone
sample was taken for DNA analysis)
Note: Mortal remains of Banjac Borka, (after a positive DNA
result) were exhumed on July 12, 2007.
Date of exhumation: October 19, 2005
Number of bodies found: 2
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- Banjac
(Mihajlo) Borka, yob. 1940.; yid. 2007.
- “NN”
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |