Exhumations > Bosanski Brod/Brod municipality

Exhumation data:
Exhumation of mortal remains of eighty-eight bodies from a mass grave from the following location - “Gradsko groblje" (“City cemetery”), city of Bosanski Brod/Brod, on the day of April 26 to May 14, 1993. This mass grave formed during the period when Bosanski Brod was under the control of the Croation-Muslim military. 44 bodies were identified, while the unidentified bodies were buried in a common grave in March 14, 1993. in “Gradsko groblje” (“City cemetery”), city of Bosanski Brod/Brod from where they were exumed again in a period that lasts from October 23 to 25, 2000.
Date of exhumation: April 26 to May 14, 1993
Number of bodies found: 88


Exhumated - identified persons data
- Complete list (pdf)

- year of birth
- year identified
NN - unidentified