Exhumation data: Exhumation of mortal
remains of one body from the following location - Bukvik, meadow
called Krčevina, Brčko municipality, on the day of May 9, 2007.
(Exhumation mark: "BRČ-Ø/02, KRČ-2 ØØ1"). On May 11, 2007 mortal
remains were taken from the Memorial center – Tuzla by the
Operational Team.
Date of exhumation: May 9, 2007
Number of bodies found: 1
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- Piperčević
(Rajko) Nikole, yob. 1942.; yid. 2007.
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |