Exhumation data: Exhumation of mortal
remains of one body from the following location - Poljaci, Brčko
municipality, on the day of August 20, 2003. The exhumation was
done by the Federal Commission without the Commission for
tracing of missing persons RS. After the exhumation the body was
taken to Orašje. On Jun 5, 2006. Goran Krčmar, an official of
the Operational Team for tracing of missing persons RS after a
positive DNA analysis took the mortal remains from the Federal
commission , and drove them to a forensic analysis and
identification in Banjaluka.
Date of exhumation: August 20, 2003
Number of bodies found: 1
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- Đurić
(Božo) Trivko, yob. 1935.; yid. 2006.
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |