Exhumations > Goražde municipality

Exhumation data:
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following location - Glamoč village, hill Treštenjak, not far from the house of Jović Ljuboje, next to the forested path, Goražde municipality, on the day of June 4, 1999.
Collecting of surface skeletal remains and the finding of mortal remains of one body (skull only found) from the following location - Glamoč village, Goražde municipality, on the day of April 24, 2003. Note: After coupleing the body parts we determined that it is the same person - Jovović Nedeljko.
Date of exhumation: June 4, 1999
Number of bodies found: 1

Exhumated - identified persons data
- Jovović (Milan) Nedeljko, yob. 1921.; yid. 1999. and 2009.

- year of birth
- year identified
NN - unidentified