Exhumation data: Exhumation of mortal
remains of five bodies (individual graves) from the following
location - “Vlakovo” cemetery, field “P 7”, parcel No. “4”, row
No. 7 and row No. 4, Ilidža municipality, Sarajevo Canton.
Date of exhumation: December 2, 1998
Number of bodies found: 5
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- Simić
(Jovo) Slaviša, yob. 1967.; yid. 1999.
- Cmiljanić (Milinko) Milan, yob. 1934.; yid. 1999.
- Gašić (Antonije) Petar, yob. 1948.; yid. 2003.
- Gašić (Petar) Oliver, yob. 1971.; yid. 2003.
- Klarić (Blagoje) Anđa, yob. 1925.; yid. 2004.
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |