Istočno Novo Sarajevo municipality
Exhumation data: Exhumation of mortal
remains of one body from the following location - “Donji
Miljevići” city cemetery, a grave marked by a wooden cross with
the inscription “NN; SA-54/1995”, above a grave marked with a
tombstone with the inscription “Popović Janko”, Istočno Novo
Sarajevo municipality (Srpsko Sarajevo municipality).
Note: These remains were obtained during an exchange. After a
negative DNA identification this body was buried as “NN” in
“Donji Miljevići”.
Date of exhumation: November 29, 1998
Number of bodies found: 1
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- “NN”
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |