Odžak municipality
Exhumation data: Exhumation of mortal
remains of one body on the following location: bank of the river
Sava, bellow “Kadar”, Gornji Svilaj, municipality Odžak, on
September 10, 1996. On November 21, 2002. this “NN” body was
exhumed again on the following location: cemetery in Kadar,
Gornji Svilaj, so it could be forensically processed and have
bone samples for a DNA analysis taken. Forensic processing
performed by a expert team of the Serb Republic in the city
cemetery morgue in Odžak on December 20, 2002.
Date of exhumation: September 10, 1996
Number of bodies found: 1
Exhumated -
identified persons data |
- “NN”
yob - year of birth
yid - year identified
NN - unidentified |