Exhumations > Sanski Most municipality

Exhumation data:
Exhumation of mortal remains of at least twelve bodies from a mass grave from the following location - “Zvečarka” cave, Stjepanovići village, Sanski Most municipality.
Date of exhumation: March 23 to 27, 2006
Number of bodies found: 12

Exhumated - identified persons data
- Alijagić (Ibrahim) Fadil
- Alijagić (Osme) Edin
- Kaltak (Ibro) Ferid
- Kaltak (Jahija) Rasim
- Kaltak (Jasmin) Nezir
- Kaltak (Velid) Emsud
- Kaltak (Zaim) Enes
- Kaltak (Zaim) Enes
- Nasić (Meho) Rasim
- Omić (Arif) Mirsad
- Sedić (Šefik) Tofik
Note: These persons are not in the database of missing persons of the Republic of Srpska. After obtained DNA results the bodies were surrendered to the Federal Commission for Missing Persons. The persons are Bosnian Muslims. The complete list of identified persons is not in the possession of the Operational Team of the Republic of Srpska.

- year of birth
- year identified
NN - unidentified