City of Sarajevo - Sarajevo Novi
Grad municipality and Novo Sarajevo municipality
> individual
Exhumation of mortal remains of nine bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - park in "Nurija Pozderac" street,
settlement Dobrinja ll, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo, on the day of May 4, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of two bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - park in "Nurija Pozderac" street,
settlement Dobrinja ll, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo, on the day of May 26, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of two bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - local Serbian orthodox cemetery
“Žuč”, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the
day of May 26, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Vrbovska ulica (street), in the garden in front of
the house of an unknown owner, next to house No. 206, Novo
Sarajevo municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of May 26,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Dobrinja III, square - Trg "Djece Dobrinje" (once
Martin Luter King street), meadow between two buildings Sarajevo
Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of July 7,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Dobrinja III, Trg “Zlatnih ljiljana“ (square),
passage No. 4, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo, on the day of July 7, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of two bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - Dobrinja II, “Garaže” (“Garage”),
Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of
September 23, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Dobrinja III, “Garaže” (“Garage”), Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of September 23,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - “Rasadnik”, Buća Potok, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of September 24,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - “Rasadnik”, Buća Potok, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of September 24,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - “Rasadnik”, Buća Potok, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of September 24,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Dobrinja II, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo - mortal remains were taken by the family from the
Federal commission, on the day of November 16, 1999, exhumation
date is unknown.
Exhumation of mortal remains of two bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - Dobrinja I, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of November 16, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Dobrinja II, “Kvadrant C5”, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of November 16, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of two bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - “Semizovina” cemetery, Pofalići,
Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of
November 17, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Ulica humska No. 234 M (street), next to the front
door of a break object, Pofalići, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of November 17, 1999.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - orchard next to the house of family Popović, Buća
potok, Ulica Adem Buća to No. 18 (street), Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of June 2, 2000.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Pofalići, Hum brdo, above the destroyed and burned
house of Tuševljak Sveto, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city
of Sarajevo, on the day of April 18, 2001.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Pofalići, Semizovina, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of July 3, 2001.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - coast of the river Miljacka, 500 m from the entrance
to “Gradski kolektor”, Rajlovac, Novo Sarajevo municipality,
city of Sarajevo, on the day of April 27, 2001.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Golo brdo, above the settlement Perivoje, Žuč,
Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of
April 29, 2002.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Orlovačka ulica No. 190 (street), property garden of
Draško Vojin, Pofalići, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo, on the day of August 25, 2003.
Collecting of surface skeletal remains and the finding of mortal
remains of one body (cranium only found) from the following
location - Gornji Pofalići, on the meadow in front of the house
of Jovičić Brane, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo, on the day of September 20, 2004.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - “Semizovina” cemetery, bellow a grave with the
markings "Jovanka Simunović", Gornji Pofalići, Sarajevo Novi
Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of September 20,
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - local Serbian orthodox cemetery “Lemez and Mlađen”,
Zabrđe - Sokolje, Ulica Safet Zajko (street), to No. 34,
Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of
October 12, 2004.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Drinska ulica (street), Novo Sarajevo municipality,
city of Sarajevo, on the day of June 9, 2005.
Exhumation of mortal remains of two bodies (individual graves)
from the following location - "Mlađenovo groblje" cemetery,
Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of
October 21, 2005.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Buća Potok, Sarajevo Novi Grad municipality, city of
Sarajevo, on the day of June 16, 2006.
Exhumation of mortal remains of one body from the following
location - Žuč, “Bojnik” cemetery, Sarajevo Novi Grad
municipality, city of Sarajevo, on the day of October 23, 2007.